Saturday, August 06, 2005

London/Glasgow Travelogue: Day 5 (More of a Conlog)

Well, no pictures of Glasgow. I haven't even seen the city except as it passes between me and the SECC, where the convention is, or as it smiles up at me in sunny moments as I look down from tall hotel windows where I'm drinking wine or water and chatting. Glimpses of fascinating buildings from those same windows. I was keeping Sunday free, but that turned out to be the day everyone can meet me, so I may not shop or see Glasgow much. :(

The weather is just like Seattle in spring.

Ran a panel on research that must have had 300 people in the audience. It devolved a bit into a discussion about how much science you need to have in science fiction books, and whether or not you have to get it completely right. I think we came generally to the sensible conclusion that it depends on the book you're writing.

A side note: One of the panel members was Ian R. McLeod, and I'm having serious trouble putting his book, "The Light Ages" down.

Except for Harry Potter (which is sacred now, and a guilty pleasure), it's been a long time since I let a book get the way of my writing. Worldcon was an inconvenient place to discover a new writer that I like.

Getting ready for a workshop on Libraries after I get back, and I conventiently met some librarians from the US and we sat and chatted over coffee. So that was good!

Anyone with ideas about the future of libraries, please free free to email me or comment on theis blog entry -- I have my own ideas, but I'm interested in other peoples!

I've been gone long enough I'm missing home terribly, although every once in awhile I dig out pictures of Toni and Katie and Sasha (the puppy) to show people.


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